Montag, 26. März 2012

Apache Maven Fluido Skin

In the apache announce list they developers from maven announced that the maven skin Fluido has a new version. So I tried this skin out again. It looks some one more fancy then other skins but still version 1.2 has a bug in the breadcrumb section of generated html files.

To enable the new skin open your site.xml file.

After the body section you add these tag’s


For more information what you can do check out the skin page Maven Fluido Skin
Now to come again to my problem: When you do not define a breadcrumb in the site.xml the layout is destroyed.
how it should look like:
how it is without breadcrumbs:

To have it nice we decided in our team to use the main items from the menu as bread crumbs.

The javascript which shows the current place [path] of your folder is still missing by default.

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